How lucid dreams differ from regular ones

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the difference between regular dreams and lucid ones. Not only beginners, but also experienced practitioners face this difficulty. The main difference lies in the ability to control objects and events within the plot of a lucid dream.

The deeper a person goes into a lucid dream phase, the more stable the objects become and the easier it is to control them. For example, you can:

  • change objects,

  • make them bigger or smaller,

  • change their color.

At some point, the laws of lucid dreams begin to resemble the laws of reality. That is when it becomes difficult to understand whether you are still in a dream or have already woken up.

To figure this out, there are plot control techniques. All such methods have one thing in common: they help to bypass the natural limitations of perception. For example, if you doubt that you are dreaming, try using one of the techniques. If it works, then you are in a lucid dream.

The depth of sleep is as important as stability. When the brain is active in a dream, consciousness focuses on sensations. By convincing yourself of new sensations, you can change the space around you.

Imagine that you are holding an apple in your hands. You can touch it, smell it, and make sure it is real. But if you close your eyes, you will lose one of the sensations, which will make it easier to change reality. You can imagine that you are holding not an apple, but an orange or a pear. When you open your eyes, your brain will perceive this change, and you will actually see a different fruit.

Another way is to put the apple on the table, close your eyes, and imagine that it is not there. If you are in a lucid dream, then after opening your eyes, the apple will really disappear. This is possible due to the fact that you turn off the sensations that hold the object in your consciousness.

Such techniques are useful not only for experiments, but also for getting rid of unpleasant dreams. For example, if you find yourself in a nightmare, you can remove the frightening elements or replace them with something pleasant. Over time, you can learn to change even your own body - add wings, gills, or other elements to move in non-standard ways. Lucid dreams give you the opportunity to change their stability and adjust the surrounding space to your desires. To do this, it is important to choose a technique that suits you.

It is the ability to be aware of and change the surrounding environment that distinguishes lucid dreams from ordinary ones. In ordinary dreams, you do not control what is happening. If something frightening happens, the most you can do is wake up. In lucid dreams, you are able to replace an unpleasant event with a pleasant one.

Having mastered the control of space in lucid dreams, you will open up enormous opportunities for yourself: from self-improvement and analysis to treatment and entertainment.

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